Our Philosophy
Here at Anfield Road, we are in the privileged position of witnessing the magic and pride in the children's faces as they experience 'light bulb' moments, watching a spark of awe and wonder ignite in their eyes as they express their passion and love of learning. Our aim is to create these moments and to provide children with the skills and knowledge they require to 'Aim High' and take on the world.
Anfield Road Primary School is a sanctuary in the heart of the amazing community of Anfield. Learning is based on the principles of respect, responsibility amd community through exploration and discovery in a supportive and enriching environment. Teaching and learning is brought alive through our learning challenge curriculum. It has been crafted to provide children with rich, exciting and engaging experiences through a process of provocation, progressive learning and reflection. The curriculum is designed based on children's interests with a unique twist to promote a love of all things Liverpool.
Our Drivers
Our school drivers are Art and Enterprise and our ethos is reflected in all aspects of the curriculum. Creative thinking and learning is at the heart of everything we do. Children are encouraged to use their imaginaton and critical thinking skills to create innovative and meaniful concepts where they can challenge themselves to take risks and in doing so, develop independence and resilience. Visit our 'Arts and 'Enterprise' page to find out more.
Areas of the Curriculum
Our Curriculum content is under construction, however, if you have any questions regarding the curriculum we teach, please contact the school directly.
Curriculum Enhancements
We are passionate about expanding our curriculum through carefully planned trips and residential visits. These visits provide our children with learning experiences and opportunities that bring learning alive.