Drug and Alcohol Use
If you need support or treatment for drug and/ or alcohol use and addiction, you are entitled to NHS care in the same way as anyone else who has a health problem. With the right help and support, it is possible for you to get drug free and stay that way.
Where to get help
A GP is a good place to start, they can discuss your problems with you and you into treatment. They may offer you treatment at the practice or refer you to your local drug service. If you are not comfortable talking to a GP, you can approach your local drug treatment service yourself.
At your first appointment for drug treatment, staff will ask you about your drug use. They'll also ask about your work, family and housing situation. You may be asked to provide a sample of urine or saliva. Staff will talk you through all of your treatment options and agree a treatment plan with you. They can tell you about local support groups for drug users and their families or carers. You'll also be given a keyworker, who will support you throughout your treatment.