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There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve:

The fear of failure.

Paulo Cuelho "The Alchemist"

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Anfield Road Primary School

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Extra Curricular Actvities

Extra-Curricular Activities


Research shows that participation in extra- curricular activities can positively impact on attainment, increase a pupil’s positive identification with school and build self-confidence and resilience. It also shows that children that do not have access to these opportunities fall behind, lack confidence, and fail to develop career aspirations. At Anfield Road we offer a variety of clubs where children can learn and play in a relaxed atmosphere with their friends. 


Children’s University


Children’s University is a charity that works in partnership with schools to develop a love of learning in children. This is done by encouraging and celebrating participation in extra-curricular activities in and outside of school. The impact of these activities is proven to be positive which is why we’re committed to giving the children in our school an opportunity to take part in a wide variety of after school clubs. 


How it Works

Every child who participates in an out of hours activity is accredited with points. The points are accumulated and rewards are given at the end of each academic year. Every child’s journey is recorded and the points are rolled over into each new academic year and into the junior school.


Graduation Ceremony

At the end of each academic year, parents and children are invited to attend a very special graduation ceremony to acknowledge the hard work and achievements made by each child. 
