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There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve:

The fear of failure.

Paulo Cuelho "The Alchemist"

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Anfield Road Primary School

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Nursery (2-4 years)

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Nursery Pedagogy 

Home from Home- It’s Terrific being Two!


The adults in my room will provide a safe environment for me to flourish without my parents/ Carers. The adults will create an atmosphere of love and warmth encouraging me to form relationships and make new friends by playing together, eating together and listening to each other. Adults will model home routines teaching me how to use cutlery and cups, wash my hands, potty training and warning me when my play may become a little bit dangerous. The adults around me will sing traditional songs and nursery rhymes and tell me stories every day. Play is an important part of my development both indoors and outdoors and my adults will help me to develop my fingers, toes and strengthen my mind. My adults are role models in everything I do and they will model language and behaviour that they want me to learn. 


The adults around me are like my Mum and Dad, they’re like a family, coming here is not too bad!



Thriving at Three


The adults in my room will create an atmosphere for me to initiate play with my peers and support me in learning to share and take turns. The adults will protect me from danger by helping me understand what is safe and by helping me to know that sometimes things can upset others. They will also give me the courage to take chances in my play and be brave in new situations and when meeting new people. I will learn about the environment and look after living things and my adults will encourage me to look up and take notice of what is around me. The adults around me will give me confidence to choose my own activities by providing all of the materials I need and they will show me routines and boundaries, sometimes giving me special jobs to do. The adults will provide vast opportunities to support my language development by singing counting songs, rhymes and reading stories that I can join along with by reciting some of the text. They will model language and extend my words into sentences and teach me new vocabulary through experiences and play. My parents will be involved in my learning and the adults will provide them with copies of my special stories and invite them in to learn some songs and rhymes by watching me perform.

The adults around me celebrate all of the amazing things that happen to me now that I am three! 



Ready for More! It's Great being Four!


The adults around me will create a stimulating and structured environment that will captivate my imagination and encourage me to investigate and explore in the learning opportunities that are provided for me. I will be able to choose equipment independently through a well-resourced, and organised classroom and this will provoke me to ask questions. The adults will help extend my vocabulary through play and new experiences and they will help me to overcome problems without becoming angry or upset. Through effective questioning the adults around me will help me learn to speak in longer sentences. The adults will teach me songs, rhymes and stories and I will be familiar with a range of Traditional Tales that I will be able to join in with by knowing some parts of the story off by heart. The adults will encourage me to look at books and they will read them to me and I will use ‘Talk for Writing’ actions, story maps and repetition to help me remember.  They will teach me some initial sounds using ‘Read, Write Inc’ and I will be able to recognise them by sight. I will learn to count up to ten and he environment will provide me opportunities to recognise and recite numbers up to ten. Through play I will learn to use words like up, down, under and over so that I can say where things are and follow directions. The adults will make sure that I can go to the toilet all by myself and wash my hands. The adults around me are so proud of all the things that I can do.


Look at all that I have done – watch out Reception – Here I come!
