‘When little people are overwhelmed by big emotions, it’s our job to share our calm, not to join their chaos’
At Anfield Road, we are Trauma Informed and follow a positive approach to behaviour management and set clear boundaries which everyone in school understands. Our restorative strategies allow us to work with the children to build relationships based on mutual respect and provide support if needed.
Our Aims
- To provide a consistent approach to developing behaviour and relationships across the whole school and at all times of the day when children are in school
- To ensure that adults support children positively in developing behaviour and relationships
- To develop positive relationships and support adults to provide children with the skills to
resolve conflict
- To ensure all children feel good about themselves
- To provide clear boundaries which everyone in school understands, thereby keeping
everyone safe and happy
- To provide a consistent and positive whole school language which all adults working in our
school adhere to
- To ensure children understand the language of choice and consequences
- To ensure that everyone in school are clear of their rights and responsibilities
In addition to the whole school behaviour and rewards, further systems are in place to teach children about responsibility, relationships and behaviour. These include:
- Collective Worship and the ‘7 Safety Messages’
- Weekly Superstars Assembly and rewards
- ‘I’ve been Spotted’ awards in Superstars
- Housemate of the week/ High tea award
- Year 6 Roles and Responsibilities
- Good to be Green notes home to parents
- ‘Noticed’ prizes
We have a zero tolerance approach to bullying, racist, sexist and homophobic comments and these will always override the system.
When a little more help is needed
We acknowledge that some children may have particular emotional, social, medical or learning difficulties which may, on occasion, contribute to them displaying challenging behaviour. In such cases, the school aims to work with parents and other professionals to ascertain the problem, attempt to understand it, and put together targets for improvement and ways of achieving these targets. This may be done by the SENDco, the Behaviour Manager, Learning Mentors or the Nurture Class Teacher.
The Hearts Project
Content coming soon