School Drivers- Arts and Enterprise
The Arts
At Anfield Road Primary School, our dynamic curriculum is designed to teach progressive skills and knowledge with the arts at the foundation of all we do. Our aim is to provide lots of opportunities that maximise the talents of our amazing children and as part of our school values we make a promise that they will:
- Learn a musical instrument
- Perform to a wider audience
- Experience live music on stage
- Visit art galleries
- Create things to sell and raise money
By nurturing creativity through the arts and entrepreneurship, we have the opportunity to challenge the children to use their imagination and initiative. They grow greater resilience, stronger collaboration skills and develop an understanding of accountability.
The children at Anfield Road are the future, requiring them to have excellent communication and organisational skills. By blending enterprise with education, our curriculum enhances the skills that employers seek and allows children to create their own definition of success. Very few of these opportunities are available within the confines of the classroom alone, but through inventive projects, the seeds of entrepreneurial behaviour are sown
Every half term, each year group has an enterprise project as part of their learning challenge covering the following themes throughout the year:
- An Arts sale
- A performance for friends and family
- A photography exhibition
- A computing focus
- An opportunity to raise money for charity
- Buddy exchange
The money raised through enterprise goes into the year group budgets to fund enhancements for their learning challenges.
Whole School Events
Enterprise Initiatives- In addition to curricular enterprise, we host three whole school enterprise initiatives per year. For example, we had a very successful ‘Festival of Lights’ where we celebrated all faiths worshipped by our children and their families where we sold artwork and crafts made by every child in school.
Celebration of Arts Festivals- Each year we host an event celebrating the arts. This year our 'Musical Extravaganza' was a huge success where every child performed on stage at the Lighthouse Theatre.
Photography Competition- We believe that photography is an accessible and inclusive art form that everyone can join in with so twice a year we encourage all of the children, their parents and carers and our staff to take part in our ‘Twitter Photography Competition’. Each competition has a theme and entries are celebrated at our whole school enterprise events.