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There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve:

The fear of failure.

Paulo Cuelho "The Alchemist"

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Anfield Road Primary School

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School Council

The School Council gives every pupil in our school a voice


Our School Council is a group of children who gather to discuss, plan, review and evaluate issues and project ideas and create practical solutions for improvements in our school. The School Council is made up of children who have been elected from each class and the main purpose is to provide an official channel for them to express their opinions and get a chance to make decisions about their own education and school experience.


The children on our School Council are strong, motivated and resilient young leaders and they work hard to plan what they aim to achieve each year. As a School Council, they constantly set new targets for themselves and work together to achieve them, they aim to make a difference and implement change that makes our school and local community an even better place. 


The School Council hold regular meetings that are an excellent opportunity to put their ‘Anfield Values’ into practise, learning about leadership and democracy and make important decisions about our school. They share ideas, information and suggestions from their class and listen to the views from other children and vote on actions that need to be taken.  They cover a range of topics including our school curriculum, activities, events and the school environment. In recent years they have achieved so much, no challenge is too big or too small, they aim high and always act as role models for the rest of the school. They are passionate about charity work and have raised money for charities such as Children in Need, Red Nose Day and the British Red Cross. They have an involvement in school policy and behaviour and also support Anti- Bullying week, raising awareness of this important issue every year, The School Council strive to improve our school and their projects have included developing our lunch menu and contributed to the creation of a recipe book. They are very hands on around school and enjoy activities such as planting flowers and helping in our school allotment. 


The School Council are key representatives for Anfield Road Primary and have interviewed our local MP Dan Carden as well as Steve Rotherham, the Metro Mayor of the Liverpool City Region to find out how they support our community. They are also members of the Liverpool Schools’ Parliament and represent our school at regular meetings. They have achieved so much and last year they won Junior Lord Mayor, we are so proud!


The current School Council initiative is a focus on how to make our school even more environmentally friendly. They have already developed a recycling scheme for the whole school and also regularly help our local community by litter picking. The School Council have big plans for Anfield Road Primary and we know that with their hard work and determination they can make our school even more amazing. 


