Eco Team
Saving the world,
one small step at a time
At Anfield Road Primary School, we endeavour to look after the environment and do everything we can to make the world a better place. Through our dedication, we have recently been awarded ‘Bronze Eco Schools Award’ and ‘Green Flag’ accreditation.
We have an Eco Team that is made up of five members of staff and a pupil representative from every year group. Together, we have organised two ‘Plastic Reduction’ campaigns. One ‘Staffroom Soap Challenge’ and ‘Reuse Plastic Pot Competition’. Our most recent initiative was a ‘Preloved Eco Clothes Stall’ for all of our staff where we raised £200 to go towards purchasing recycle bins for our L4 Diner and a composter for our school allotment.
We have organised a weekly recycling collection, led by our Year 6 Eco Monitors and bought two new large recycle bins so that we can recycle more as a whole school. Our Year 6 Eco Monitors collect litter from around our school and our school environment.
We have a dedicated Twitter account @EcoAnfield that you can follow to keep up to date with Eco news, challenges and information and keep up to date with our Anfield Road eco journey.
Remember, no one is too small to make a difference!
Visit our X Page (Twitter)